Don’t reinvent the wheel, as the saying goes. If you’re looking to illustrate your blog posts or brochures with high-quality images, don’t waste time and money building them from scratch – get them from Depositphotos instead! With more than 195 million stock photos, vectors, videos, and illustrations at your fingertips, this site makes it easy to find high-quality images that complement any design project you’re working on.
How can you find the photos you need?
With over 195 million photos and vectors, it’s easy to get overwhelmed on Depositphotos. Luckily, there are two tools you can use to find exactly what you’re looking for. The first is our keyword search feature that helps narrow down your photo searches based on whatever criteria you want (resolution, topic, etc.). We also have a browse tool that allows you to view images by category or popularity—useful if you’re not sure exactly what you want but just know what kind of image would look good in your design. Finally, all Depositphotos images come with descriptions and metadata about each file including any captions provided by our contributors and licensing information so that you can easily evaluate whether an image will work for your project.
How can you track how much money you spend on photo licenses?
You’re only allowed to download 30 images from DepositPhotos each month. That shouldn’t be a problem for most users, but if you’re planning on using our site on a regular basis (and who isn’t?), check out our nifty dashboard widget. The widget allows you to search through thousands of royalty-free photos quickly and easily—saving you tons of time, energy, and hard drive space in the process.
What are the best ways to sort through so many choices?
Whether you’re uploading content to an online portfolio or browsing galleries, it can be difficult to sort through so many options. The beauty of Depositphotos is that you’ll find a good mix of images—from nature and art to business and technology. And if one particular area isn’t working for you, try another. The variety is endless!
Why should you use multiple search methods?
When starting a photo search, it’s tempting to immediately jump onto Google and search [keyword] images. That’s a fast way to find what you want, but it can also narrow your options by reducing your searches to only those places that show up in your initial search results.
Where else should you look?
Royalty free photos are a great way to save money and add visual interest to your company’s brand. Whether you’re looking for images to illustrate your latest post or marketing materials, you can find good stock photos with a few simple Google searches. If you don’t have time to sift through results, consider using one of these services, like DepositPhotos or Pexels.
What is the difference between free and paid images?
Depositphotos offers both free and paid images. What’s the difference? With free images, you have to attribute Depositphotos with a link back to their website in your photo credits. With paid images, you can use them however you like. Want to change up your own website design? Just browse our gallery, download any image that strikes your fancy, and—voilà!—your site is updated in seconds.
Which licenses are worth it?
There are a lot of different photo licenses out there, and it can be hard to know which one you should choose. The most common ones—you might’ve heard of them by now—are royalty free (RF) and rights managed (RM). What’s the difference? For noncommercial projects, RF images can be used without payment or restriction. RM licenses do require payment but often offer more options for commercial use.
How do you know if an image will be good enough?
Image quality is a major issue online, especially when it comes to stock photos. Before you put an image on your website or in your email newsletter, ask yourself: would I feel comfortable using that photo on my business card? If not, you’re better off spending a little more time looking for something better.
How do I get my hands on high-quality graphics at no cost?
Depositphotos is a website that provides both high-quality stock photos and vector images for people who are either in need of, or would like to have, a collection of visuals available at their fingertips. No matter what you’re trying to do, from starting a new project or just looking to spice up your current one, Depositphotos makes it possible and easy to download millions upon millions of high-quality stock photos. There’s even more available through its subscription service.
How do I save money while purchasing content online?
If you’re just getting started with a freelance career, or if you’re looking to get more out of your online spend, we have some valuable tips on how to save money while purchasing content online. Learn all about rights-managed and royalty-free images, find out which sites offer free stock photography, and much more.